- City & County Government (4)
- Corrections & Jailer (20)
- Compliance/OSHA (3)
- Corrections Healthcare (0)
- Management and Leadership Fundamentals (2)
- Offender Programs (1)
- Security/Operations (7)
- Special Polulations in Corrections (4)
- Supervision, Management, and Leadership (1)
- Workforce Skills, Supervision, and Management (4)
- Workforce Skils & Development (7)
- NAPPI Training (2)
- Nationwide Courses (77)
- Police & Deputy Courses (145)
- Popular Courses (3)
- TCOLE Courses (233)
- Corrections (204)
- Basic & Intermediate Courses (30)
- Elective Courses (187)
- Law Enforcement (79)
- Basic & Intermediate Courses (12)
- Elective Courses (67)
- Specialized & A La Carte (7)
- Telecommunications (191)
- Basic & Intermediate Courses (16)
- Elective Courses (179)
- Corrections (204)
- Telecommunications (19)
- Triple I Solutions (2)
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) elective Homeland Security: Counter-Terrorism online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
In August 2004, the Terrorist Threat Integration Center (TTIC) was incorporated into the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) by Executive Order 13354, and the NCTC’s authorities were codified in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA). NCTC has the statutory responsibility to serve as the central and shared knowledge bank on known and suspected terrorists and international terror groups, as well as their goals, strategies, capabilities, and networks of contacts and support. To fulfill this role, NCTC maintains the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE), the U.S. Government’s central classified repository for all known or suspected international terrorists and their networks of contacts and support.
Developed in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, this course addresses the various threats posed to the United States both externally and internally. In particular, we cover response tactics and safety considerations to apply when responding to an incident involving an active shooter, improvised explosive device, or bomber.
Special attention is given to safety and security measures to consider when encountering an active shooter or planning first responder actions for terrorism-related incidents at educational facilities, stadiums and arenas, special events in a city or community, airport security, U.S. ports, mass transit infrastructure, and hotels and high-rise buildings.
Please note, the entire course (including any applicable course parts), final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is an OSS Academy® Homicide Investigations online training course offered for Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
Each year in the U.S. there are approximately 16,000 homicides reported, and probably another ±4,000 that are not reported, or are mis-categorized. Most homicide investigations start with the arrival of the first officer at the scene. Yet, few officers are trained in the actual conduct of a homicide investigation. This course addresses some of the basic elements officers need to understand regarding homicide investigations, including the collection and protection of vital evidence, the types of homicides, and ultimately, determining causes and time of death.
Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
Note, this particular storefront listing is not the TCOLE accredited course. To purchase the TCOLE accredited Homicide Investigations course, click here.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy.
Additional Information
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides our entire E-Learning Training Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) elective Homicide Investigations online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
Each year in the U.S. there are approximately 16,000 homicides reported, and probably another ±4,000 that are not reported, or are miscategorized. Most homicide investigations start with the arrival of the first officer at the scene. Yet, few officers are trained in the actual conduct of a homicide investigation. This course addresses some of the basic elements officers need to understand regarding homicide investigations, including the collection and protection of vital evidence, the types of homicides, and ultimately, determining causes and time of death.
Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) elective Homicide Investigations online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
Each year in the U.S. there are approximately 16,000 homicides reported, and probably another ±4,000 that are not reported, or are mis-categorized. Most homicide investigations start with the arrival of the first officer at the scene. Yet, few officers are trained in the actual conduct of a homicide investigation. This course addresses some of the basic elements officers need to understand regarding homicide investigations, including the collection and protection of vital evidence, the types of homicides, and ultimately, determining causes and time of death.
Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is an OSS Academy® Honest Officers & Brady v. Maryland online training course offered for Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
Honesty and credibility have always been desired traits among peace officers. Under the U.S. Supreme Court’s Brady v. Maryland decision and subsequent rulings officer’s credibility can be challenged in court when questions regarding the veracity of their statements, reports, and collected evidence. As a furtherance, officers and prosecutors have a duty to all criminal defendants to insure they receive a fail trial through full disclosure of evidence. This course focuses on the requirements of Brady, and details what you must do to avoid being labeled aBrady COP.
Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
Note, this particular storefront listing is not the TCOLE accredited course. To purchase the TCOLE accredited Honest Officers & Brady v. Maryland course, click here.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy.
Additional Information
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides our entire E-Learning Training Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Honest Officers & Brady v. Maryland online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
Honesty and credibility have always been desired traits among peace officers. Under the U.S. Supreme Court’s Brady v. Maryland decision and subsequent rulings officer’s credibility can be challenged in court when questions regarding the veracity of their statements, reports, and collected evidence. As a furtherance, officers and prosecutors have a duty to all criminal defendants to insure they receive a fail trial through full disclosure of evidence. This course focuses on the requirements of Brady, and details what you must do to avoid being labeled a Brady COP.
Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Honest Officers & Brady v. Maryland online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
Honesty and credibility have always been desired traits among peace officers. Under the U.S. Supreme Court’s Brady v. Maryland decision and subsequent rulings officer’s credibility can be challenged in court when questions regarding the veracity of their statements, reports, and collected evidence. As a furtherance, officers and prosecutors have a duty to all criminal defendants to insure they receive a fail trial through full disclosure of evidence. This course focuses on the requirements of Brady, and details what you must do to avoid being labeled a Brady COP.
Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is an OSS Academy® Hostage & Barricaded Suspects online training course offered for Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
When the actions of a violent or disturbed individual result in a crisis situation, law enforcement personnel are often forced to react in a high risk environment where the subject may be barricaded, has taken hostages, or is threatening suicide. Officers won't usually know what's inside the barricaded area, if there are firearms or explosives indicated, or the condition of the individuals involved. Given these challenges, first responders must be able to quickly assess the situation, contain the problem, secure the area, evaluate the threat to hostages or bystanders, call in specialized units as necessary, and be ready to react at any time during the response - a situation that could last for hours. Additionally, negotiators must engage the barricaded individual with the advantage of real-time information. This course provides officers and supervisors with basic response procedures and tactics for such challenging events.
Please note, the entire course (including any applicable course parts), final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
Note, this particular storefront listing is not the TCOLE accredited course. To purchase the TCOLE accredited Hostage & Barricaded Suspects course, click here.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy.
Additional Information
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides our entire E-Learning Training Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) elective Hostage & Barricaded Suspects online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
When the actions of a violent or disturbed individual result in a crisis situation, law enforcement personnel are often forced to react in a high risk environment where the subject may be barricaded, has taken hostages, or is threatening suicide. Officers won't usually know what's inside the barricaded area, if there are firearms or explosives indicated, or the condition of the individuals involved. Given these challenges, first responders must be able to quickly assess the situation, contain the problem, secure the area, evaluate the threat to hostages or bystanders, call in specialized units as necessary, and be ready to react at any time during the response - a situation that could last for hours. Additionally, negotiators must engage the barricaded individual with the advantage of real-time information. This course provides officers and supervisors with basic response procedures and tactics for such challenging events.
Please note, the entire course (including any applicable course parts), final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) elective Hostage & Barricaded Suspects online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
When the actions of a violent or disturbed individual result in a crisis situation, law enforcement personnel are often forced to react in a high risk environment where the subject may be barricaded, has taken hostages, or is threatening suicide. Officers won't usually know what's inside the barricaded area, if there are firearms or explosives indicated, or the condition of the individuals involved. Given these challenges, first responders must be able to quickly assess the situation, contain the problem, secure the area, evaluate the threat to hostages or bystanders, call in specialized units as necessary, and be ready to react at any time during the response - a situation that could last for hours. Additionally, negotiators must engage the barricaded individual with the advantage of real-time information. This course provides officers and supervisors with basic response procedures and tactics for such challenging events.
Please note, the entire course (including any applicable course parts), final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours