National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (TCOLE) [NLETS]
Long Course Description

Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)

This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System [NLETS] online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.

The National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS) is the officer's primary nationwide method by which law enforcement officers inquire and report such information as driver's license data, vehicle, boat, and aircraft registration, and other information.

This course is designed to introduce you to the system and to give you a basic understanding of its history, structure, and functions, along with basic guidelines for radio and NLETS messaging.

Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.

TCOLE Reporting

OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.

Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.

Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.

For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Additional Information

TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents

For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.

See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Course Website Address
Negotiator Tactics (TCOLE) Package
Long Course Description

Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)

This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Negotiator Tactics online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.

This course is designed for peace officers in need of, or interested in, developing basic crisis negotiation skills. It includes critical information for law enforcement agencies that do not have the immediate availability of negotiator resources, and are developing internal resources. We discuss team organization and various protocols and skill sets necessary to respond to crisis situations, which can involve hostage-taking, barricaded mentally ill subjects, suicide by COP, peace officers in crisis who take hostages, domestic violence calls, and more.

Please note, the entire course, final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive six (6) hours of course credit.

TCOLE Reporting

OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.

Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.

Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.

For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Additional Information

TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents

For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.

See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Course Website Address
News Media and the Police (TCOLE)
Long Course Description

Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)

This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) News Media and the Police online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.

Law enforcement officers are in a high profile occupation. Whether you are writing a traffic ticket, responding to a domestic violence call, or sitting in a parking lot writing a report, you are constantly in the public eye. The public image of law enforcement is as varied as the communities and number of residents we serve. This course is designed for officers with and without the responsibility of dealing directly with the news media. We must all remember, the public’s perceptions are shaped in large part by the good, the bad, and the ugly interactions we have with the media. During this presentation, you will learn practical and useful tips on how to better manage your potential vulnerabilities when dealing with the news media.

Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit

TCOLE Reporting

OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.

Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.

Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.

For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Additional Information

TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents

For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.

See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Course Website Address
New Supervisor (First-Line) Course #3737 (TCOLE) Package
Long Course Description

Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)

This is the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) mandated New Supervisor (First-Line) Course #3737 online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers.

Supervising the work of others requires advanced skills in leadership, counseling, motivation, and communication to create an effective and positive work environment for subordinates. This course provides the student with training vital to effective leadership and administrative tasks. Participants will learn about ethics, effective communication, leadership styles, counseling, planning and organizing, and cultural diversity, as well as special investigative topics, and updates to Texas laws.

Please note, the entire course, final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive forty (40) hours of course credit.

TCOLE Reporting

OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.

Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.

Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.

For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Additional Information

TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents

For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.

See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Course Website Address
Officer Response to Victim-Precipitated Suicide (TCOLE)
Long Course Description

Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)

This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Lineups & Eyewitness Identification online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
Few events associated with law enforcement are more tragic for all concerned than an officer-involved shooting. This is particularly true when the shooting results in a fatality. Suicide by cop, or officer assisted suicide, as it is more formally labeled, is a serious problem that needs to be understood by officers, if such events - and their consequences - are to be minimized. This course will help you gain a fuller understanding of this devastating phenomenon, and provide you with the information necessary to recognize these situations as they develop, so you can facilitate an alternative action plan and response, when practical.

Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive two (2) hours of course credit.

TCOLE Reporting

OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.

Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.

Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.

For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Additional Information

TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents

For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.

See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Course Website Address
Peace Officers & Open Carry #8837 (TCOLE)
Long Course Description

Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)

This is the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Peace Officers & Open Carry Training #8837 course offered in an online training course format for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.

With the close of the 2015 Legislature, Texas became the 43rd state in the U.S. to clarify that Texas residents had the right to open carry a handgun in most government and public spaces. This legislative enactment expanded the rights of qualified Texas residents who already enjoyed concealed carry rights, and set some limitations. Our course discusses enforcement issues, as well as the basis for these rights, the responsibilities of citizens as they exercise their rights, and the duties of peace officers in guaranteeing these rights.
Please note, the entire course (including any applicable course parts), final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive two (2) hours of course credit.

TCOLE Reporting

OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.

Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.

Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.

For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Additional Information

TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents

For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.

See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Course Website Address
Pistol on Patrol Tactics (TCOLE)
Long Course Description

Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)

This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Pistol on Patrol Tactics online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.

American policing has evolved dramatically in recent years, especially as it relates to tools, tactics, and technology. Of particular note is tactical pistol usage by patrol officers. The debate over the most effective weapons for police use is nothing new, for the discussion of how officers should be armed has been going on for decades, and is expected to continue as new weaponry is developed.
One subtle, but dramatic, historical shift in police weaponry involved the movement from shoulder weapons to the belt carried revolver. This is not to suggest that early peace officers did not carry handguns, just that prior to the urban population shift, their preferred duty weapons were often rifles or shotguns.

Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.

TCOLE Reporting

OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.

Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.

Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.

For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Additional Information

TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents

For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.

See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Course Website Address
Police Access to Private Property (TCOLE)
Long Course Description

Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)

This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Police Access to Private Property online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.

As peace officers we regularly walk and drive onto private property. It happens so often it’s hardly noteworthy. Although some might call it trespassing, to most people it’s a nonevent. Sometimes, however, it turns into a big deal, like when officers see a homeowner in the kitchen cooking meth, and it results in a search or an arrest. In such cases evidence discovered as the result of an improper entry onto private property may be suppressed, if the officers’ entry constituted an illegal search.

Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.

TCOLE Reporting

OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.

Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.

Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.

For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Additional Information

TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents

For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.

See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Course Website Address
Police Dogs (TCOLE)
Long Course Description

Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)

This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) elective Police Dogs online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.

This course introduces you to the history of the man and dog relationship, and discusses the natural instincts and abilities of canines both in and out of police work. We are going to explore the selection, training, and management of the canine team, including some of the legal ramifications of placing a canine team in the field. Also discussed, are some of the more common applications of canines in law enforcement.

Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.

TCOLE Reporting

OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

NOTE: This is not the Canine Encounters #4065 (TCOLE) course. OSS Academy does not currently offer the #4065 course.

OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.

Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.

Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.

For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Additional Information

TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents

For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.

See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Course Website Address
Positional Asphyxia, ExD, & Restraints (TCOLE)
Long Course Description

Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)

This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Positional Asphyxia, ExD, & Restraints online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.

Restraining an individual is a risky, but often necessary process. When performed incorrectly, it can have devastating results. This course details some of these unfortunate results and how to avoid them.

In this course, we are covering important issues that, collectively, deputies and police officers are having to face when confronted with situations involving bizarre, irrational, and sometimes life-threatening behavior from suspects. In particular, we will explore several aspects of these potentially dangerous response calls, including excited delirium and positional asphyxia, and the restraint techniques that might be applied in these situations.

Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.

TCOLE Reporting

OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.

Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.

Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.

For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Additional Information

TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents

For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.

See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.

Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.

Course Website Address