OSS Academy® Launches Advanced Learning Management System

By Laurie Hendrix, Law News Online | Fri, 6 Sep 2013

OSS Academy®, a nationwide law enforcement and corrections training academy, announced in August, that they have launched a new Learning Management System (LMS).

This new multi-million dollar e-learning system upgrade provides enhanced reporting features and a better user experience.  What’s more, the Subject Matter Experts and Instructional Designers at OSS Academy® have upgraded the design program by moving to Articulate Storyline for production of their course libraries.

Some new features of the OSS Academy® LMS include:

  • Auto enrollment of learners
  • Live dashboard to monitor training (sliced by organizational department)
  • Enhanced course authoring tools, so organizations can develop their own content
  • Ability to upload outside training received into the system
  • More reporting functionalities to track staff training
  • Live event management

By avoiding potentially confusing navigation options, learners and administrators interacting with the system can spend their time in the LMS more efficiently.  There is also a list of resources including videos and how-to guides to help users get started.  All of this comes together with the goal of creating a very powerful, yet straightforward learning management system to further improve the process of staff training.

According to David Salmon, the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator, “the high personal customer service standard has once again been upgraded.  Officers and risk managers can still call on our 800 number to talk directly with a senior instructor when there is a course service need.  Today such direct contact is rare in the adult educational arena.”  He further stated, “Make no doubt about it, we are moving quickly to becoming the best online training resource for law enforcement and jail officers throughout the United States.”

Want a Learning Management System for your Law Enforcement or Corrections Operation, click here for more information.


About OSS Academy

To learn more about OSS Academy® contact our Training Coordinator at 281-288-9190 ext. 205.