Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) elective Constitutional & Other Warnings online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
Most Western Republics attempt to balance the awesome power of the state and the accused during the criminal justice process. This balancing process includes providing certain notifications to individuals when they are considered criminal suspects. This course provides explanation and depth to this vital concept when a person is considered a suspect in the United States. We will also explore the various categories of suspects, and how their warnings and rights vary based on their classification.
Please note, the entire course, final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) elective Courtroom Testimony & Demeanor online training course for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
This course will serve as both an indoctrination for those who have never testified before, and as a refresher course for those who are preparing to testify in some type of court proceeding, such as a trial or administrative hearing, Civil Service hearing, deposition or testimony. This course will familiarize you with the court, basic courtroom procedures and protocols, general rules of testimony as a witness, appropriate demeanor and attire, the impact of providing erroneous or false testimony, and basic techniques for handling a hostile attorney.
Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
To purchase the OSS Academy and U.S. Court Security Concepts Court Security Officer #10999 online training course, click here.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) elective Courtroom Testimony & Demeanor online training course for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
This course will serve as both an indoctrination for those who have never testified before, and as a refresher course for those who are preparing to testify in some type of court proceeding, such as a trial or administrative hearing, Civil Service hearing, deposition or testimony. This course will familiarize you with the court, basic courtroom procedures and protocols, general rules of testimony as a witness, appropriate demeanor and attire, the impact of providing erroneous or false testimony, and basic techniques for handling a hostile attorney.
Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
To purchase the OSS Academy and U.S. Court Security Concepts Court Security Officer #10999 online training course, click here.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) required Court Security Officer #10999 online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Sheriff Deputies, Constables, Bailiffs, Municipal Peace Officers, or any other person assigned to provide security for an appellate, district, statutory county, county, municipal, or justice court in the State of Texas.
Pursuant to Government Code Section 158.002, the purpose of this approved Court Security Officer class is to give the court security officer a basic understanding of the threats associated with court settings as well as technology and techniques for court security operations. To qualify for a Court Security Certificate, an applicant must meet all proficiency requirements per Texas Administrative Code Title 37, Part 7, Chapter 221, as well as completion of course Court Security Officer #10999.
Student Accolades:
I completed the basic Bailiff training and I have to say I learned a great deal. Your course is easy to follow and informative, but not a lay down if you don’t work at it. That’s what I wanted. I’m suggesting it to all my officers who may not have time to attend the class and to all other agencies in my part of Texas. Good work!
- L. Brand, Texas Sheriff
Thank You. I have taken two Court Security classes in the past 6 years: one 5-day course with Mr. Randy Harris and another … and I must say that this online course (developed by Mr. Harris) is VERY in-depth and VERY important for any Law Enforcement Officer/Bailiff that works in and around a courthouse.
- D. Wade, Texas Deputy Constable/Bailiff
Outstanding and long overdue course of instruction. Great visual aids and commentary by Mr. Harris. I hope to see more courses like this one.
- J. Moore
Great class! It certainly opened my eyes with the amount of knowledge that was presented. Also the law and reports having to be submitted for an incident(s).
- T. Morales
Really enjoyed this course!
- W. Overstreet
Thanks once again for another solid class.
- J. Santana
- W. Shepherd
Excellent information; for my position as the Court Security Officer/Bailiff. Thanks,
- D. Wade
Great class! Learned some things I didn't know.
- E. Wenzel
Note, this particular storefront listing is not the Court Security Specialist Update #21015 (TCOLE) accredited course. To purchase the Court Security Specialist #21015 (TCOLE) course, click here.
Please note, the entire course (including any applicable course parts), final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive twelve (12) hours of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Topics within the OSS Academy and U.S. Court Security Concepts course include:
Introduction to Court Security
Bailiff Function in Court Security
Court Security Screening Basics
Explosives Recognition and Awareness
Introduction to Court Security Technology
Judicial Protection, and
Court Security Case Studies
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
Obtaining a TCOLE Personal Identification (PID) Number
If you do not have a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Personal Identification (PID) Number ...
1. Follow this link -
Or, visit > select “Forms and Applications” > page down to “PID Assignment C1” > select “Get Form.”
2. Fill out the PID Assignment C1 form in its entirety. For civilians, please check the box indicating “Ability to track training hours.”
3. If you are employed at a TCOLE recognized law enforcement agency, enter the correct agency/training provider number. If not, leave blank.
4. Enter the agency name, and agency administrator, for your law enforcement agency, or the court where you will perform the courtroom security, and obtain their signature. If neither of these apply, YOU DO NOT NEED A PID NUMBER. GO NO FURTHER.
5. Applicant must sign and date the form, and then mail to the address indicated at the top of the form, or fax to 512-936-7766. TCOLE will email your PID# to the email provided on the form.
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Court Security Specialist Update #21015 online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers and Jailers who hold the TCOLE Court Security Specialist Certification.
Court Security Specialists desiring to keep their Court Security Specialist certificate active must take this course or be assigned primarily as a court security specialist by the appointing chief administrator once every two years (TCOLE rule 221.41).
This online course only renews the TCOLE Court Security Specialist certification and does not count towards other TCOLE court security training requirements. If a Court Security Specialist certificate becomes invalid, a holder may obtain a new certificate under the initial application standards (TCOLE rule 221.41). Refer to the TCOLE Website for a current copy of the application form.
Note, this particular storefront listing is not the Court Security Officer #10999 (TCOLE) accredited course. To purchase the Court Security Officer #10999 (TCOLE) course, click here.
Please note, the entire course, final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive four (4) hours of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Crime Analysis online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
This course explores the importance of crime analysis as an integral part of managing the resources of a modern law enforcement agency. During this presentation we outline the history and evolution of crime analysis, and how an agency can establish their own Crime Analysis Unit (CAU). A main focus of the course is on the crime analysis process, and how it can enhance agency goal-setting and performance by changing information into actionable intelligence that street officers and investigators can use in both short and long range planning.
Please note, the entire course, final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Crime Analysis online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
This course explores the importance of crime analysis as an integral part of managing the resources of a modern law enforcement agency. During this presentation, we outline the history and evolution of crime analysis, and how an agency can establish their own Crime Analysis Unit (CAU). A main focus of the course is on the crime analysis process, and how it can enhance agency goal-setting and performance by changing information into actionable intelligence that street officers and investigators can use in both short and long-range planning.
Please note, the entire course, final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) elective Crime Scene Management online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
You are dispatched to a shots fired call at 2:00 a.m. You arrive at the scene and observe the lights are on at the residence, and the front door is open. You cautiously approach the open front door, and are able to observe a body lying on the floor in a pool of blood with what is obviously a fatal head wound. Your backup arrives, and together you search the residence and determine there is no one else present. Would you and your partner know how to safely clear the scene while being mindful of the need to preserve the evidence it contains? Would you know what you contaminated, disturbed or moved, and can you document it? Would you know how to establish a proper ingress/egress path for other responders to follow? This course will answer these and many more questions about managing a major crime scene resulting in the successful apprehension and prosecution of an offender.
Please note, the entire course (including any applicable course parts), final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) elective Crime Scene Management online training course offered for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
You are dispatched to a shots fired call at 2:00 a.m. You arrive at the scene and observe the lights are on at the residence, and the front door is open. You cautiously approach the open front door, and are able to observe a body lying on the floor in a pool of blood with what is obviously a fatal head wound. Your backup arrives, and together you search the residence and determine there is no one else present. Would you and your partner know how to safely clear the scene while being mindful of the need to preserve the evidence it contains? Would you know what you contaminated, disturbed or moved, and can you document it? Would you know how to establish a proper ingress/egress path for other responders to follow? This course will answer these and many more questions about managing a major crime scene resulting in the successful apprehension and prosecution of an offender.
Please note, the entire course (including any applicable course parts), final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with embedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Number
Price (Shown in U.S. Dollars)
This is a Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Criminal Intelligence online training courses for Texas Peace Officers, Jailers, and Telecommunicators.
Many federal, state, and local enforcement agencies are implementing an Intelligence Led Policing (ILP) philosophy, which focuses on the accurate collection, analysis and dissemination of information to both their own agency members and other consumers. Although Criminal Intelligence (CI) is part of this approach, CI is not the only product produced.
Officers performing their daily functions typically collect, review, and disseminate information each day, and this is only one step removed from using this data as part of an effective intelligence cycle. This course brings into clearer focus how intelligence led programs improve employee and agency performance while participating in intelligence sharing with other enforcement agencies.
Please note, the entire course final exam(s), and course evaluation(s) must be completed in order to receive one (1) hour of course credit.
TCOLE Reporting
OSS Academy® typically reports 4 to 5 times each week [excluding U.S. Federal holidays]. We report your credit directly through TCLEDDS to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement [TCOLE]. You should have already provided your full and correct name, TCOLE PID number, and other important information when registering for your account. If not, once logged in, go to Edit Profile to update your information.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider.
Our courses are designed by Subject Matter Experts who are nationally recognized and licensed instructors. Many of our experts testify in law enforcement, corrections, and security related defense cases throughout the U.S.
Our curriculum meets or exceeds state course objective requirements.
For more information, visit OSS - Law Enforcement Advisors® or OSS Academy® online or simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Additional Information
TCOLE Training, Proficiency Requirements, & Course Equivalents
For your convenience, OSS Academy® provides a TCOLE Course Equivalent Resource with imbedded hyperlinks.
See also, our entire TCOLE Courses Listing.
Should you have any questions, simply contact the OSS Academy® Training Coordinator by phone at 281-288-9190 (Ext. 205) or online at Contact OSS Academy®.
Course Hours