OSS Academy® distance learning courses are taken by law enforcement and corrections officers, and 911 telecommunicators across the United States. In addition, we are proud to include courses that are of interest to other professional and student groups such as attorneys, city and county managers, corporate security personnel, and criminal justice students.
Check back often as we are constantly updating and loading newly developed courses (as completed) throughout the year.
Specialized courses recently launched, include:
Course Title
- Civilian Interaction Training #30418
- Civil Issues Facing Street Officers
- Community Safety – NAPPI
- Court Security Officer #10999 – U.S. Court Security Concepts
- Court Security Update #21015 – U.S. Court Security Concepts
- Evading Honesty® – Triple I Solutions
- Hazardous Materials & HAZMAT Investigations #3806
- Homeland Security: Counter-Terrorism
- Naloxone – What You Need to Know
- Smugglers, Inc.® – Triple I Solutions
- TABC Enforcement for County & City Officers
- TDD/TTY for Telecommunicators #3812 [OSS Option 1]
- Texas State & Federal Law Update #3186
- Total Verbal Deescalation – NAPPI